Kalo Suka Kasi Rate-nya Donk !!!!

Rabu, 26 Mei 2010

Counter Strike 3D java

Contr Terrorism 3D Episode 2 ENG J2ME 240x320 Multiplayer

Exciting continuation of army ranger? chronicles.
Time did not change the old principles and goals that you need to achieve.

Time did not change the essence of the problem that only you can solve!

The only things that have changed are your level of experience and methods of fight against terrorism.

- 3D first-person POV shooter
- 3D graphics on all types of cell phones
- full-fledged game via BlueTooth (Deathmatch)
- implementation of contemporary computer and console 3D render basics
- technology of photo texturesrealization
- lighting of premises, shadows, half-shadows, flashes
- 9 full-fledged 3D levels and objects
- hostages rescue and evacuation missions, mine clearing of buildings
- 11 types of guns (including fragmentation grenade and flash grenade)
Desert Eagle
Flash Grenade
Fragmentation grenade
- realistic gun ballistics (type, range, power, effectiveness, cartridge belt, impact)
- 3D level maps
- tracing of bullets and gun shots

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