dengan Chainfire 3D kita bisa oprek Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" untuk dapat memainkan Games Nvidia Tegra High Definitions (THD)
preview oprekan Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" dengan games Nvidia Tegra HD :
Riptide GP
Guerilla Bob THD
preview settigs Chainfire 3D di Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" :
Features ( CoPas dari XDA-Developer)
- CF3D OpenGL driver
- NightMode (inspired by Jeff Sharkey, more info here)
--- Handy shortcut to toggle on/off
--- Supports red, green, blue, amber, salmon and custom (pro only) modes
- Global OpenGL manipulation
--- Reduce texture size
--- Reduce texture quality
--- Unroll textures
--- BGRA emulation
--- Load plugins
--- Replace shaders
--- (Pro) Disable Chainfire3D detection
--- (Pro) Dump all shaders
--- (Pro) Force depth buffer size (EGL)
--- (Pro) Force MSAA (MultiSample Anti-Aliasing) (EGL)
- (Pro) OpenGL manipulation on a per-app bases
- (Pro) Fix market settings
- (Pro) Manage installed plugins and shaders
- (Pro) Backup and restore settings, plugins and shaders
A bit more detail about some features
NightMode reduces the number of colors on your screen, which on OLED screens saves a lot of battery. The various modes (especially red) are also great in low-light conditions, as they have less effect on your night-vision than a full-color screen
Generic note about textures
The features below are only used if a texture format is supported. Natively Chainfire3D only supports raw textures, but these can be extended through plugins.
Reduce texture size
This essentially cuts (supported) textures' resolution in half, which usually reduces memory use (4x) and improves performance, at the cost of slightly reducing texture quality. This is not compatible with all apps! For many 3D apps, this works, as the GPU stretches the graphics, but it does not work for many 2D apps.
Reduce texture quality
This converts 32-bit textures to 16-bit textures, reducing memory use (2x). This will lower texture quality, but for many games the difference isn't even visible. Whether this is actually faster or slower depends on your hardware.
Unroll textures
Converts non-32-bit textures to 32-bit. This should not influence texture quality, but it does use more memory. On some hardware this is faster than using 16-bit textures.
Disable BGRA emulation
Some GPU's do not support BGRA - in this case, Chainfire3D emulates BGRA support. Developers may not expect this (i.e., hardcode features for a specific GPU) and it may cause issues. If red and blue appear swapped in-app or in-game, enable this feature, and see if it helps.
Disable Chainfire3D detection
For compatibility reasons, Chainfire3D announces to applications that it is being used. Using this feature you can turn that off.
Depth buffer (per-app only)
Some apps expect a certain depth buffer size. Without setting this, they may not run (at all). This feature should only be used if an app specifically requires it - there is a good chance apps will NOT run if you change this setting the wrong way.
MSAA (MultiSample Anti-Aliasing) (per-app only)
Enabling MSAA drastically improves image quality at the cost of performance. Lines/edges become much smoother. Available options are automatic (the app decides), 4x, and 16x. Most apps don't enable MSAA themselves at all. The ARM Mali 400 MP (used in the SGS2) can even do 4xMSAA at no performance cost. Note that if your GPU does not support the level of MSAA requested, the app will likely not start at all.
Fix market settings
Plugins may add support for various features not normally supported by your hardware. Market, however, only reports the functionality your hardware provides. Using this feature, Chainfire3D will adjust Market so it also shows apps that require the features provided by the plugins. This is not useful without the plugins
OK, sekarang kita mulai utuk mencoba installasi Chainfire3D !!
Langkah Pertama:
Download Chainfire3D :
Ekstrak RAR file kemudian install file APK di Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"
Langkah Kedua:
Jalankan Chainfire3D lalu tap pilihan Install Drivers, Galaxy Tab akan merestart systemnya untuk installasi driver emulator Nvidia Tegra
Langkah Ketiga:
Download Plugins Chainfire 3D :
Ekstrak RAR file di folder manapun di Samsung Galaxy Tab 7" (catatan usahakan semua plugin ada di dalam satu folder)
Langkah Ketiga:
tap pilihan Install Plugins/shader pada program Chainfire3D, kemudian searching secara otomatis, lalu akan muncul 3 file plugins (Nvidia,Qualcomm dan PowerVR) yang akan diinstall, install semua kalau perlu.
Langkah Keempat:
Install gaes games yang berbasis THD (Nvidia Tegra HD), apabila ada game yang tidak muncul texturenya, contoh RipTide GP awal mula saya coba hanya gambar ngeblok hitam doang, apabila terjadi seperti itu perlu pengesetan secara manual per Aplikasi, ada didalam pilihan Per-app OpenGL setting dan centng Dump shaders (bila perlu)
Langkah Kelima:
Mulai ngegame nih !!! Selamat Yaaa !!
Devices yang supported dengan Chainfire3D :
- Samsung Galaxy S
- Samsung Galaxy Tab 7"
- Samsung Galaxy S II
- Samsung Epic 4G
- Motorola Atrix 4G
- Motorola Droid 2
- LG Optimus 2X
- Google Nexus S
catatan : devices harus di root terlebih dahulu (bagi yang belum rooted), apapun software software yang berhubungan dengan rooted atau device yang sudah rooted (android devices yang sudah rooted garansinya tidak berlaku lagi garansinya alias void)
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